Maren has competed and taught at the top levels of Ballroom, Swing and Country for over 20 years. After years of traveling extensively across the country earning top placements and an exceptional reputation, she retired to develop and grow the local dance community.

Her passion for teaching and her desire to share her love of dance led her to open a studio, establish a teacher college, work with youth and more. Maren’s insight and teaching excellence anchored her as a ‘teacher’s teacher’.

What really drives her is changing people’s lives – both through the discipline of dance and by applying the principles behind partner dancing to life and business. Maren works with leaders and top executives to transform the old school ‘push-your-way-through-to-get-ahead’ business paradigm to one of flow and grace.

Her triple career as a champion dancer, preeminent educator and serial entrepreneur coalesced into “Dance With Life” a one-of-kind program that breaks the “efforting for success trap” that influential leaders struggle to escape.